BSc Agriculture Syllabus 2025: 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Year (Free Download)

Looking for the BSc Agriculture syllabus? No matter whether you are in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year – we are here to help. 

In this post, we have shared the complete syllabus of BSc Agriculture for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th year for free in pdf format.

Follow the below sections or the below “Table of Contents” for better navigation.

Also, Check out: BSc Agriculture Books Free Download

BSc Agriculture Course Details

BSc Agriculture course is a course designed to provide students with skills and knowledge to fulfill the needs of the agribusiness sector. 

The objectives of the course are to train students in planning, research, design, development and management of agricultural systems, food and animal sciences, and agribusiness.

At BSc level, the course includes units on food and nutrition, agricultural soil, production and marketing of the food industry, and strategic planning and management of agricultural firms. 

The BSc course is designed to give students the opportunity to study a variety of disciplines with the aim of achieving a wide range of career options in the field of agriculture, food and nutrition.

Eligibility: 10+2 or equivalent course with Science stream & at least 50% marks. Additionally, you may have to appear for the entrance exam as per the university.

BSc Agriculture Syllabus

The topics covered in the syllabus vary depending on the year in which the student is studying for. 1st year students must study food science, agricultural economics, biology, chemistry and mathematics. 

On the other hand, the syllabus of 2nd year comprises food science, agronomy, agricultural economics, plant and animal production, plant breeding, food science and plant protection. 

The syllabus for 3rd year students include agronomy, plant, animal production, plant breeding, animal breeding, agricultural economics, food science and plant protection. 

Finally, in the 4th year, the syllabus consists of agronomy, plant, animal production, plant breeding, agricultural economics, food science and plant protection.

BSc Agriculture Syllabus

BSc 1st Year Agriculture Syllabus

Semester ISemester II
1. Fundamentals of Agronomy-I1. Fundamentals of Agronomy-II 
2. Introduction to Meteorology & Climate Change2. Fundamentals of crop physiology 
3. Livestock Production & Management3. Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 
4. Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology4. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
5. Fundamentals of Horticulture5. Fundamentals of Entomology
6. Comprehension & Communication Skills in English6. Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
7. Introductory Microbiology 7. Fundamentals of Genetics 
8. Fundamentals of Soil Science8. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology

BSc 2nd Year Agriculture Syllabus

Semester IIISemester IV
1. Crop Production Technology-I (Kharif crops) 1. Crop Production Technology-II (Rabi crops) 
2. Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management2. Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture
3. Fundamentals of plant biochemistry and biotechnology3. Principles of Organic Farming
4. Farm Machinery and Power4. Livestock Breeding and Nutrition
5. Insect Ecology and Integrated pest management5. Agriculture Finance and Cooperation
6. Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 6. Renewable Energy and Green Technology 
7. Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices 7. Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management
8. Principles of Integrated Disease Management 8. Principles of Seed Technology
9. Statistical Methods9. Problematic Soils and their Management

BSc 3rd Year Agriculture Syllabus

Semester VSemester VI
1. Practical Crop Production-I (Kharif crops)1. Practical Crop Production-II (Rabi crops)
2. Technology of Milk and Milk Products.2. Geo-informatics and Nano-technology and Precision Farming
3. Intellectual Property Right3. Sheep, goat, and poultry production.
4. Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices4. Farm Management, Production and Resource Economics 
5. Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management- I 5. Protected Cultivation and secondary Agriculture
6. Crop Improvement – I (Kharif Crops) 6. Management of Beneficial Insects 
7. Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping7. Principles of Food Science and Nutrition
8. Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management 8. Crop Improvement – II (Rabi crops) 
9. Manures, Fertilizers, and Soil Fertility Management 9. Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

BSc 4th Year Agriculture Syllabus

Semester VII / VIII
1. General orientation and on-campus training by different faculties 
2. Village attachment/ Unit attachment in Univ./ College. KVK/ Research Station
3. Agro-Industrial Attachment
4. Project Report Preparation, Presentation, and Evaluation

BSc Agriculture Syllabus Download PDF

The download link for the complete syllabus of BSc agriculture is given below. Please note that the syllabus provided here is in accordance with UGC & it may slightly vary from university to university.

However, the core subjects may remain the same. Click on the below link to download BSc AG syllabus:

Final Words

In this post, we have tried our best to share all the subjects covered in the BSc agriculture syllabus. However, if you think anything is left – do let us know in the comments section.

Also, if you face any problem in downloading the syllabus in pdf format, do let us know via the comment section, email ([email protected]) or Whatsapp (Click here to chat).

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