BSc 1st Year Botany Notes: Free Download PDF (2025)

If you are on this page, you might be looking for BSc 1st year botany notes.

Well, if it is so then you are in the right place. In this post, we have shared BSc 1st year botany notes for free in pdf format.

You can also download all BSc books for free here.

In this complete guide you will find:

  • the complete syllabus of Botany for BSc 1st year (Sem I & Sem-II).
  • download links for botany notes.
  • best Botany books for BSc 1st year.
  • FAQ’s regarding the same.

So, without wasting your time, let’s dive right in.

Before we discuss further, let’s have a brief introduction of BSc with Botany. If you want to skip this part, use the table of contents below.

About BSc Botany

BSc is a three or four-year degree program that can be done after completing 10+2 from various universities across the world.

It stands for Bachelors of Science & can be done in two ways:

  • either you can choose a single subject & do BSc Hons. Subjects that you can choose are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Biotechnology, Computer Science, IT, etc.
  • Another way is to choose three or more subjects, like BSc with PCM (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics) or ZBC (Zoology, Botany & Chemistry).

In this post, we will talk a bit about BSc with Botany. Botany refers to the study of plants.

Some common subjects that you will study in BSc Botany are Algae, Fungi, etc.

BSc 1st Year Botany Syllabus

The syllabus of BSc 1st year is divided into two semesters, i.e. Sem I & Sem-II. Below is the complete semester wise syllabus of BSc Botany.

BSc Botany Sem IBSc Botany Sem II
 1. Algae  1. Microbiology
 2. Fungi 2. Pteridophyta
 3. Bryophyta 3. Gymnosperm and Palaeobotany

In the above syllabus, you can see that the first semester includes books like Algae, Fungi & Bryophyta.

On the other hand Microbiology, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm, and Palaeobotany are in semester II.

Before you download the notes for Botany, here are few things to keep in mind:

  1. The notes available here to download are based on the above syllabus. If your syllabus is different, you can comment at the end of this post & we will do our best to help you.
  2. Notes available here are not handwritten.

How to download BSc 1st year Botany notes?

Downloading BSc botany notes is quite easy. All you have to do is to simply scroll down and click on the “Download” link beside each subject.

Download Links

Semester I Notes:

BooksLink to Download

Semester II Notes:

BooksLink to Download

I hope you are able to download Botany notes for BSc 1st year using the above links. But what to do, if you can’t download notes?

Well, here is the solution.

Just leave a comment at the end of this post & we will send you required notes as soon as possible.

BSc 1st Year Botany Books

In order to practice enough problems & get deep knowledge, you should always depend on books. Here are some of the best books for BSc Botany.

BSc 1st Year Botany Book

BSc 1st Year Botany – by B. Rajkumar

Language: English

Publisher: Telugu Academi

College Botany Volume I for BSc Students

College Botany – by Dr. B. P. Pandey

Language: English

Publisher: S. Chand


What is the syllabus of BSc Botany for 1st year?

The whole year is divided into two semesters. The first semester include Algae, Fungi & Bryophyta. On the other hand, the second semester consists of Microbiology, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm, and Palaeobotany.

How can I download BSc Botany syllabus?

The syllabus of BSc Botany may vary from university to university. However, the best way is to visit the official website of your university.

What are some of the best books for BSc Botany?

Usually, books recommended by the university is the best. However, you can go with publications like S. Chand & Pragati Prakashan.


In this complete post, we have shared BSc 1st year Botany notes in pdf format. If you still can’t download notes from above links due to any reason, then you can leave a comment below & we will look after it.

You can appreciate our efforts by sharing this post with your friends & family.

Disclaimer: Notes available on our website is taken from IGNOU (eGyanKosh). Check out, how to download study material from IGNOU here.


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